About Me

Posted: October 5, 2012 in Uncategorized

This is a website of Dr. Teemu Taira. It provides information about my scholarly works and interests.

I am senior lecturer in the study of religion, University of Helsinki, and Docent (Adjunct Professor) at the Department of Study of Religion, University of Turku, Finland.

Over the past fifteen years my research has focused on three areas: 1) religion in the media, 2) atheism, secularism and nonreligion and 3) discursive study of the category of ‘religion’

In early 2022 I finished single-authored book Taking “Religion” Seriously: Essays on the Discursive Study of Religion (Brill) and an edited volume Atheism in Five Minutes (Equinox) was published in October 2022.

You can also find me on academia.edu and Twitter (call it X if you like). I also blog in Finnish.

In the picture I am enjoying the sun and cloudless sky in Olympic Island, Toronto, Canada.